
Mood & Emotion

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Funny Serious

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Expected Unpredictable

Larger than life Down to earth

Beautiful Disgusting

Gentle Violent

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No sexual content Explicit sexual content

Conventional Unusual

Optimistic Bleak

Short Long

Character & Plot


Mixed Race








Lots of twists and turns

Book Description

Two faces glimpsed on TV – one a Victim one a Killer. 

A fisherman finds a head in a crocodile infested waterhole. 
They call him Crocodile Man – who is he? 
And who is she – the woman with him before he died? 
She holds her lover’s diary. Its contents terrify her. 
What awful tale does it tell? She must read it to discover. 
Unable to do so she hides it away. Others think they know. 

BRAZEN ENGLISH HUSSY, tabloids scream. 
Killed her lover, fed his body to crocodiles.

Brought back to Australia, charged with murder. 
But what really happened on that fateful day? 


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