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Justin Fike



I’ve loved stories for as long as I can remember. As a boy, my grandma told me tales of her adventures growing up on the South Dakota prairie as I drifted off to sleep, or filled my head with faerie queens, questing knights, and everything in between. Those stories shaped the way I saw the world and helped me understand my place in it. Eventually, I realized that I wanted to spin stories that would be just as important for someone else someday.

Chasing that dream led me into a lifelong pursuit of the writer’s craft, both on my own and by learning from some of the most well-regarded professionals in their spheres through the Masters in Creative Writing program at Oxford University.
I grew up in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia and was blessed to have a mother who didn't complain when I came home from the woods covered in mud and burs, and a father who told me the stories that sent me out there in the first place.

I live in Colorado with my amazing wife Mindy and two pixies in disguise who allow me to claim them as my daughters at parties.

Learn more about my work on my website (www.justinfike.com) or enjoy videos about writing craft and breakdowns of popular books and movies on my Storycastle youtube channel (https://www.youtube.com/@justinfikestorycastle)


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